3/8 physiotherapist
loves God,
am anti-horror/ thriller,
believes in HAPPY FOOD
and happypeopleco.
the sweet life
JAC 060988 3/8 physiotherapist loves God, am anti-horror/ thriller, believes in HAPPY FOOD and happypeopleco. .
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Thursday, April 30, 2009
3 weeks of school has passed and my life revolves just around 3 things:school, rc and tuition just this week alone, i had tuition cum rc on tues and i just had another bout of science tuition then i rushed back for rc and still, im glad im surviving :) i know that school started when 1. I have to wake up at 6am every morning 2. I get/send less than 10 smses a day 3. I have no life outside school and work 4. I'm broke after the holidays 5. I can't catch up after just 3 weeks in school according to caryn, we're now having the geek lifestyle= all study, don't think of playing already thankfully, i've got friends to keep me going, pushing on towards the end goal at that is to get into uni by some form of miracle that's us at our joyce & yen's bday picnic at marina barrage :)
i wanna wish myself all the best at school and pray i'll survive through literature review.ARGH Saturday, April 4, 2009
![]() vincent li needs to be smacked i tell you we were just randomly talking about birthday parties me: u know, yday my friend's boyfriend played the guitar and sang 2 songs for her in front of everybody. thats like how romantic right him: ok your birthday, i bring guitar hero and i'll play the highest level in front of ur friends OMG. i don't know whether to laugh or cry |