the sweet life
3/8 physiotherapist
loves God,
am anti-horror/ thriller,
believes in HAPPY FOOD
and happypeopleco.
so yesterday i finally went to get my wisdom tooth out!and dearest was kind enough to bring along ginseng soup for me to drink but it was too hot so i cldn't drink it before the opnow, i shall talk about the processi think my dentist is the best one i had so farand its not because she has the same surname as me, she's Dr Zhou of new life dental surgery but its cos she reminds me of what we learn in school and that is to explain what you are doing to the patient before touching the patientbefore starting, she explained the procedure, how many jabs i'll be getting which is 4 by the way and what i will feel after the jabso first she cleaned the tooth, put some cream around my right lip and inside, near the tooth area before she gave the then i already feel super numb alrthen during the op, i basically feel nothing except the nasty construction site sounds and the grinding of the toothand then she split my tooth into half and took out one half at a timethen in 15 mins, i'm done :)so i bit a gauze and went out, my lip feeling like its hanging out due to the numbness but i checked the mirror it looks fine. no sensation on the cheeks and this will last 3-4 hrsi took a painkiller before the op alr and my next painkiller dose is 24 hrs ltr so in between if i felt any pain, i've got to rely on good ol panadolit didn't stop bleeding until about 5pmand now, i dun feel any pain! really surprising cos i expected myself to be in such great pain that i wldn't be able to study and yet now, i can even go without painkillers and i've stopped mumbling alr the only bad thing isi've got to eat soft food and stay away from hot and spicy foodmeaning i got to wait for the porridge to be cold then i can start eating and yday i was so hungry. i only had that bowl of porridge for the entire daybut caryn's super nice, she went to geylang at around midnight just to get me the yonghe tau huay that i wantedthanks bud bud, u're the best la hahabefore the tau huay came, i was just telling her that my whole mind is full of food and its so depressingand now i'm on a liquid-form diet- porridge for both breakfast and lunch and i wonder wad's for dinnermy maid is so smart, she took all the leftover mandarin oranges and made it into a juice for me :) oh ya i brought home my tooth! haha i wldn't post it here cos it's bloody. hahathanks vincent, jm, mash, caryn, joyce for your concern :Dlove ya all!
jac just sneezed for the zillionth time today
after all that sneezing and sniffing, i wonder why my nose is still on my face it's so clogged up, i just wanna take it out and wash then put back
i wanna whine NOOoooo this is such a bad timing for me to fall ill my mom keep saying its cos of all the injustice i do to my body by not sleeping enough but i think its so suay pls. i know i sound so aunty but sighh. i can't fall ill now, not with my wisdom tooth op in 2 days and attachment in 5 days and i haven't studied for a week alr
im worried cos its outpatient this time, so different and much less routine compared to inpatient. at least inpatient can smoke through. outpatient tt's not possible la but, somewhere in me tells me that i'll be okay, everything will be okay i'll just have to push on.
good news for my family! my grandma's is home! no more reunion dinner takeaway for my grandma, just us sitting together and eating as a family. To start things off, we had a celebratory dinner last night for her home-coming :) she's so good now, it makes me forget about the past
like today, she actually asked me to go orchard with her to get a few stuff that she needs. imagine how eager i was cos 1 month ago, she refused to even step out of the house and now she wants to go to town. so even though i was feeling worse compared to yday, i couldn't turn her down so i spent the day at orchard with her and grandpa and i was really happy. she's someone really precious and dear to me, even more so now cos i realised how vulnerable she can be behind the tough exterior.
she's so dear to me that when she combed through my hair while talking to me today, her habit btw, i gritted my teeth and held my breath in a gasp but i didn't move away from her and just let her continue combing people who's ard me knows that no one can touch my hair, much less comb through it without me protesting. i mean, only the pple who permed their hair understands why cos if u do that, the curls will be gone. and im already so lazy to blow dry every single day alr. it has lost some significant curls and i'm so tempted to straighten it and go straight again. shud i?
anyways, im looking for a part-time job for my grandma and i need ideas. all i've seen are ads looking for retirees to do packing and flyer distributing. how can i let her do such tough stuff? so someone pls hit me with an idea thanks :)
im off
cny visiting part 2leon's place the girls played 'truth or dare' jenga while the guys were watching nadal vs federer and it was fun cos everyone was spontaneous about the various truth/dares. of cos there are those which makes u go CHEY eg. your greatest fear or like rub your tummy lamsie choosing the 'truth' tile. she HUM haha 
 then jes drew this, will be real awkward if there were guys playing haha

i was pretty excited for jo's turn
and she drew the tile "impersonate an animal" and im pretty sure i said HAMMERHEAD SHARK. haha. did we say bird jo? if i rmb correctly the next one jes said was LOHAN
for making her impersonate almost an entire zoo, jolene, full of angst was super excited about mine which was "wear a silly hairstyle for the rest of the game" Aunty Pru actually put the koala on my bun haha. think the side doesnt look as bad as the front. and during my next round, i had to do a dare and the rest got to choose wad i have to do. and guess wad, i had to walk over to the guys in this and go close to alvin and say 'alvin do i look pretty??' haha. it took some courage i tell you
 and before the jenga could collapse, we had to leave for zhong's place and when we got there, jes had to return the Dare she owed which is to do a frog jump
 me and rach with the lovely view of chinese garden
 the idea behind this shot is questionable haha , eating orchids?!
i had a sotong ball in my mouth. will i look like this after my wisdom tooth op?
 zhong and alvin
 group shot! last yr when we were here, we took this exact shot at this exact location

so today, i spent the entire day at the hosp with grandma and im so glad to say that she's doing really well now! i feel like she's back to normal and i even played mj with her and 2 other patients and we even watched 1/3 of white chicks tgt before she wanted to talk to her other friends. keep this up grandma and u'll be home in no time!! :D im off!
part 1 finally i went visiting on sunday! i've come to realise that visiting is a pretty tiring affair and having a car is a must seriously judging from the places we went to - bedok, tampines, farrer road and then boon lay just 4 places and i got home with a major headache fortunately dan gave us a lift home if not just imagine the journey home from boon lay. i think i might just faint
first stop: we went to linear green first for a prayer walk us girls

leon was busy snapping away while pretending to not look at the camera so we all thought he wasn't taking so we all look like that

the guys

me and lam we haven't had a nice photo tgt for a long long time

next, leslie's house it was jes's birthday so we surprised her with a cake!

 i was trying to not be in the picture but oops. haha oh wells.
me and sheila in her pretty gold cny top

just look at timmo and leon. hahaha.

my artistic attempt at sheila's 4 inch (i think) nine-westies

lam's attempt

i think mine's nicer lor :P
the owner of those killer heels

and the posers HAHA

us girls and leslie

next, alvin's place
duane promoting the Usqueeze. his expressions was really funny while he was using it

yusheng time, my first this yr

 lam looks bored here haha. guess she was cos after this, she got me to do jump shots
 this is super nice. if u look closely, our hair looks like it's tied together and i look really happy, but how to do a jumpshot with a sulky face?!!!
jo and shihui did one too!

and im lovin' the usqueeze too! the shiokness is indescribable. "great for after shopping" says duane. true, very true :D

lam enjoying her short-lived stiff shoulder massage cos we had to leave for zhong's place haha she was so sad

the happy couple, dan and rach

and my first LV moment
 and again, i look really happy. it must be the post-exam glow hahai think LV will be a great friend to rachel don't u think vinc?? hahaha *flashes a wide wide grin
alright gtg before my mom rattles on about the electricity im 'burning' part 2, zhong's house tmr!
so yesterday i finally went to get my wisdom tooth out!and dearest was kind enough to bring along ginseng soup for me to drink but it was too hot so i cldn't drink it before the opnow, i shall talk about the processi think my dentist is the best one i had so farand its not because she has the same surname as me, she's Dr Zhou of new life dental surgery but its cos she reminds me of what we learn in school and that is to explain what you are doing to the patient before touching the patientbefore starting, she explained the procedure, how many jabs i'll be getting which is 4 by the way and what i will feel after the jabso first she cleaned the tooth, put some cream around my right lip and inside, near the tooth area before she gave the then i already feel super numb alrthen during the op, i basically feel nothing except the nasty construction site sounds and the grinding of the toothand then she split my tooth into half and took out one half at a timethen in 15 mins, i'm done :)so i bit a gauze and went out, my lip feeling like its hanging out due to the numbness but i checked the mirror it looks fine. no sensation on the cheeks and this will last 3-4 hrsi took a painkiller before the op alr and my next painkiller dose is 24 hrs ltr so in between if i felt any pain, i've got to rely on good ol panadolit didn't stop bleeding until about 5pmand now, i dun feel any pain! really surprising cos i expected myself to be in such great pain that i wldn't be able to study and yet now, i can even go without painkillers and i've stopped mumbling alr the only bad thing isi've got to eat soft food and stay away from hot and spicy foodmeaning i got to wait for the porridge to be cold then i can start eating and yday i was so hungry. i only had that bowl of porridge for the entire daybut caryn's super nice, she went to geylang at around midnight just to get me the yonghe tau huay that i wantedthanks bud bud, u're the best la hahabefore the tau huay came, i was just telling her that my whole mind is full of food and its so depressingand now i'm on a liquid-form diet- porridge for both breakfast and lunch and i wonder wad's for dinnermy maid is so smart, she took all the leftover mandarin oranges and made it into a juice for me :) oh ya i brought home my tooth! haha i wldn't post it here cos it's bloody. hahathanks vincent, jm, mash, caryn, joyce for your concern :Dlove ya all!
jac just sneezed for the zillionth time today
after all that sneezing and sniffing, i wonder why my nose is still on my face it's so clogged up, i just wanna take it out and wash then put back
i wanna whine NOOoooo this is such a bad timing for me to fall ill my mom keep saying its cos of all the injustice i do to my body by not sleeping enough but i think its so suay pls. i know i sound so aunty but sighh. i can't fall ill now, not with my wisdom tooth op in 2 days and attachment in 5 days and i haven't studied for a week alr
im worried cos its outpatient this time, so different and much less routine compared to inpatient. at least inpatient can smoke through. outpatient tt's not possible la but, somewhere in me tells me that i'll be okay, everything will be okay i'll just have to push on.
good news for my family! my grandma's is home! no more reunion dinner takeaway for my grandma, just us sitting together and eating as a family. To start things off, we had a celebratory dinner last night for her home-coming :) she's so good now, it makes me forget about the past
like today, she actually asked me to go orchard with her to get a few stuff that she needs. imagine how eager i was cos 1 month ago, she refused to even step out of the house and now she wants to go to town. so even though i was feeling worse compared to yday, i couldn't turn her down so i spent the day at orchard with her and grandpa and i was really happy. she's someone really precious and dear to me, even more so now cos i realised how vulnerable she can be behind the tough exterior.
she's so dear to me that when she combed through my hair while talking to me today, her habit btw, i gritted my teeth and held my breath in a gasp but i didn't move away from her and just let her continue combing people who's ard me knows that no one can touch my hair, much less comb through it without me protesting. i mean, only the pple who permed their hair understands why cos if u do that, the curls will be gone. and im already so lazy to blow dry every single day alr. it has lost some significant curls and i'm so tempted to straighten it and go straight again. shud i?
anyways, im looking for a part-time job for my grandma and i need ideas. all i've seen are ads looking for retirees to do packing and flyer distributing. how can i let her do such tough stuff? so someone pls hit me with an idea thanks :)
im off
cny visiting part 2leon's place the girls played 'truth or dare' jenga while the guys were watching nadal vs federer and it was fun cos everyone was spontaneous about the various truth/dares. of cos there are those which makes u go CHEY eg. your greatest fear or like rub your tummy lamsie choosing the 'truth' tile. she HUM haha 
 then jes drew this, will be real awkward if there were guys playing haha

i was pretty excited for jo's turn
and she drew the tile "impersonate an animal" and im pretty sure i said HAMMERHEAD SHARK. haha. did we say bird jo? if i rmb correctly the next one jes said was LOHAN
for making her impersonate almost an entire zoo, jolene, full of angst was super excited about mine which was "wear a silly hairstyle for the rest of the game" Aunty Pru actually put the koala on my bun haha. think the side doesnt look as bad as the front. and during my next round, i had to do a dare and the rest got to choose wad i have to do. and guess wad, i had to walk over to the guys in this and go close to alvin and say 'alvin do i look pretty??' haha. it took some courage i tell you
 and before the jenga could collapse, we had to leave for zhong's place and when we got there, jes had to return the Dare she owed which is to do a frog jump
 me and rach with the lovely view of chinese garden
 the idea behind this shot is questionable haha , eating orchids?!
i had a sotong ball in my mouth. will i look like this after my wisdom tooth op?
 zhong and alvin
 group shot! last yr when we were here, we took this exact shot at this exact location

so today, i spent the entire day at the hosp with grandma and im so glad to say that she's doing really well now! i feel like she's back to normal and i even played mj with her and 2 other patients and we even watched 1/3 of white chicks tgt before she wanted to talk to her other friends. keep this up grandma and u'll be home in no time!! :D im off!
part 1 finally i went visiting on sunday! i've come to realise that visiting is a pretty tiring affair and having a car is a must seriously judging from the places we went to - bedok, tampines, farrer road and then boon lay just 4 places and i got home with a major headache fortunately dan gave us a lift home if not just imagine the journey home from boon lay. i think i might just faint
first stop: we went to linear green first for a prayer walk us girls

leon was busy snapping away while pretending to not look at the camera so we all thought he wasn't taking so we all look like that

the guys

me and lam we haven't had a nice photo tgt for a long long time

next, leslie's house it was jes's birthday so we surprised her with a cake!

 i was trying to not be in the picture but oops. haha oh wells.
me and sheila in her pretty gold cny top

just look at timmo and leon. hahaha.

my artistic attempt at sheila's 4 inch (i think) nine-westies

lam's attempt

i think mine's nicer lor :P
the owner of those killer heels

and the posers HAHA

us girls and leslie

next, alvin's place
duane promoting the Usqueeze. his expressions was really funny while he was using it

yusheng time, my first this yr

 lam looks bored here haha. guess she was cos after this, she got me to do jump shots
 this is super nice. if u look closely, our hair looks like it's tied together and i look really happy, but how to do a jumpshot with a sulky face?!!!
jo and shihui did one too!

and im lovin' the usqueeze too! the shiokness is indescribable. "great for after shopping" says duane. true, very true :D

lam enjoying her short-lived stiff shoulder massage cos we had to leave for zhong's place haha she was so sad

the happy couple, dan and rach

and my first LV moment
 and again, i look really happy. it must be the post-exam glow hahai think LV will be a great friend to rachel don't u think vinc?? hahaha *flashes a wide wide grin
alright gtg before my mom rattles on about the electricity im 'burning' part 2, zhong's house tmr!