3/8 physiotherapist
loves God,
am anti-horror/ thriller,
believes in HAPPY FOOD
and happypeopleco.
the sweet life
JAC 060988 3/8 physiotherapist loves God, am anti-horror/ thriller, believes in HAPPY FOOD and happypeopleco. .
tag me!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
so, exams are gone, we've gotten our fyp project mates and title and kk starts in 2 weeks.finally i can do whatever i want for 1 week and i've got a sewing project that i wanna start on but im still lazy though i've the entire day to myself cos my tution boy is still enjoying himself in china. I hope his english is not erased when he gets back. I'll just scream at him and tear him apart with my bare hands haha. yea right. obviously not, i'm so nice to him, he's crawling up my head already im so bored. the internet holds no interest to me now and I don't know what else to do. after watching bride wars, i played 7 hand poker with jeremy last night on msn and at first its fun, but after like 10 games, i got bored again. shopping online is also boring now. cos all the clothes look the same. but shoes on the other hand is getting me interested, just got a 4 1/2 inch pair from f21 and i'm lovin'it :D went to kiyo's place yday for gambling and i intended to play blackjack but 4 people ps-ed and so, i had to play mj with caryn, yen and kiyo and i dislike mj now cos i suck so i asked kiyo's mum to replace me while i watched death note. kira and L is super smart (yes i know i'm slow, i haven't watched the show before) Oh and while surfing i came across this where pple tag each other to do this: 1. go to the 4th folder on your computer where you store your images 2. pick the 4th picture in the folder 3. explain the picture ok mine isn't a picture but its from the day we went to watch vienna boys' choir and this was at esplanade's main atrium. they were having a public ballroom class and anyone could just learn and dance along. think its waltz or something. jiamin and i totally suck haha. we need lessons. so i'm passing on the tag to.... mok, lam, joyce and jm! :) go post yours! i've just watched house bunny online and its super bimbo but who can get sick of chick flicks huh? and vinc says we're gg to get left 4 dead next weekend and he's gg to teach me how to play. yay! jac's gonna be a gamer hahaha have a great weekend everyone :) Monday, January 26, 2009
so like i said, i've got nowhere to go for visiting so i stayed home all day :)woke up at 11 plus and that makes a sleep of 12 hours for the first time in a long long time. after sleeping for so long, of course i woke up with a smile until my mom came in and starting saying that its unbecoming to wake up so late on cny day 1 wad theory is that i wonder my aunt's family came over as usual for a big dinner and there were alot of laughter and benedict rolling on the floor cos he was laughing so hard. yes, this is how a family should be, no fancy dinner just us getting along harmoniously just a pity that my grandparents wasn't with us this yr after dinner, we packed goodies and dinner to bring to cgh for my grandma to eat and we cld tell she's really lonely. we want to get her out of hospital but she just can't. her cpf savings are now going to hospital bills and we don't know how long she'll be in there. God, pls help my grandma recover. help her hold her negative thoughts captive and help her see things at present and not worry excessively about the future. Amen after visiting my grandma, sumei called and the 3 of us decided to hang out since coincidentally we're all free! so with yuxian driving, i brought them to sunset bay! the place is pretty nice and the sea breeze was just lovely. great place for girls to just chill, hangout and talk and just nice it's monday so there was live music! next we attempted jumpshots for the fun of it and it was a failure haha. out of 10, only 1 succeeded but i look like - so im not posting it up haha sumei says i look like i'm going to take off and she said to never do that again haha im really glad to have spent cny day 1 with u guys, cheers to our 10th yr of friendship :D Saturday, January 24, 2009
chinese new yr is in two days and i don't feel the festive mood at allprobably cos of the 2 exams i had yday and one more coming on the 29th, i didn't even get new clothes for cny! ok i do have new clothes but while checking out the wardrobe, i realised they had something in common - black. not that im superstitious or anything but some families are, so, i wldn't wanna ruin their traditions or festive mood by wearing something else apart from red/pink- i call them cherry blossom colours so i wldn't call them new yr clothes not a big issue anyway since i don't have anywhere to go for visiting too cos my family comes to my house since my mom's the eldest and my grandma's still in the hospital sigh. i went to see my grandma just now and spent 5 hrs with her just talking to make up for the days i didn't go cos i had to study seeing her like this makes me sad and she doesn't want to come out from the hospital even if home leave was granted, i tried persuading her and talking to her about stuff but she's still feeling sad as well all i hope is that she'll rmb all that i've said and recover soon so that our family will be happy again and i hope she'll be happy too i really missed her a lot this past month there was a point in time when i felt that my family was falling apart, nothing serious, just a vibe but now its starting to feel okay so im less worried but no one really knows when she'll get back to normal cos she's taking us on a roller coaster as well so we're just keeping positive and praying. telling ourselves that she'll be fine soon. as im blogging, vincent li is annoying me with many ways possible, playing with my lack of ability to multi-task. I can burst any moment now. with 2 papers done, i'm proud to say i've finished Eclipse today! haha. reading on the psp makes the book seem thicker cos it seems like i'm reading so fast! i've only got 1 more book left and i'll need to wait for another book to captivate me. i think the only book that's ought to captivate me now is "Neurological Rehabilitation" for my exam next thurs. im cringing at the thought of that im super jia kang dang according to vinc. i think cheena stuff scares me and i find cny songs absolutely annoying. just imagine me walking through bedok interchange to get to piano with all the chinese songs blasting and uncles shouting nian huo! it drives me nuts, i would run if it wasn't weird amidst all my rantings about the new yr, im still embracing the holidays and i'm starting off with dinner at vinc's place and probably go for a spin in his bro's car gong xi fa cai everyone!! :) Monday, January 12, 2009
the weekend can be described in one word, hectic.friday night's not counted since i spent it at work but that itself is quite tiring cos there were many payments to process my itinery on saturday, 10.45am: i had piano as usual 11.45am: then i went to get yellow/orange balloons for the party later at night 1pm: i met caryn for the dress up event at beauty studio 3.30pm: rushed back for tuition 5.30pm: headed to safra for MOK's 21st party! 8.45pm: rushed down to pal's place for her 21st birthday surprise which was a success! YAY! then reached home at 12.33am and got locked out for a good 30 mins Mok's birthday party looked very pretty with pink and white balloons everywhere, purple flowers on the pillars and multi-colour butterflies on the mirror. and the food was nice, loved the sushi and pastries and baby kieren!! he's so cute pls. i want my photo with him!! haha and MOK! they got u a PINK watch???? i thought it's supposed to be white! i didn't go with them to buy cos my tuition cldn't change timing if not i would have told them.. anyways, good job on the hand-sewn dresses! for a first attempt, its really not bad :D Mash's birthday surprise was super funny x100000000 laughter never ceases when i'm around thehappypeople pictures will do a better job describing how her room looked like after we decorated it so wait up for the photos! sunday was spent at church, then meatballs and ikea shopping with vinc and then tuition. after which i spent 9 hrs on the comp rushing out CP assignment tt's only 500 words. wonder why i took so long! anyways, i've been spending alot recently and hiding loads of stuff from my mom cos if she sees it, she'll stop giving me allowance on sat, i bought a printed romper and pretty black laced dress then today i just collected a F21 studded belt, UO sheer grey v-neck and gojane brown strappy heels i'm awaiting my jelly lens for my camera and another bustier is waiting for payment but i don't think i'm getting them now my orders with clar's F21 spree is also on hold cos F21 deducted the money but didn't take in orders so my shoe's delayed! is that blessing in disguise? Tuesday, January 6, 2009
sigh today was such a moody daymaybe its my heightened sensitivity due to pms or something things just feels so bad like seriously, how can pple actually master the art of scolding with a smiling face and where's the courage to scold them back? at that point of time, it just flew out the window. people can get so unpredictable, nice then terribly not nice at all forgive me if i stepped on anyone's toes today, i'm not myself jiamin says: stay sane ok? yes i will, i'll try my best to. Monday, January 5, 2009
ah finally The little nyonya has endedBUT after watching it, I wanna know more! like where's paul?? where's yuzhu now? u mean all died and yueniang's left? someone enlighten me! and vincent told me over the phone that robert zhang's alive HAHAHA. don't think i dunno tt's his son la! and that silly boyfriend said that being with me has changed him. then there i was thinking wad i could have done to make a change in someone's life you know? and then he said, See! I now eat fish! U changed me! background of this story is that vincent never touches fish cos he can't stand the smell of them. according to him, he only eats processed fish he doesn't go to long john's cos he said there's this smell then i think he changed me too, since after knowing him, i've not eaten lj's for like a year Now, he's busy thinking of a certain fish soup i ate on sunday for lunch. quoting him, he said "wah i'm constantly thinking of the fish soup, think its super nice". plus whenever he comes over, he'll always buy fishball soup. so yea, i've made such an impact in my sillygoose boyf's life when now, a fish soup dominates his mind and not me haha no way am i jealous of a fish soup pls ah crap i've just thrown whatever i've read about ALS out of the window JAC U PIG! friday's the exam la! and tmr there's psych project rehearsal then 2 papers before cny week too much too much. oh yea i wanna share this with u my convo with yuxian shirlyn - says: this one very interesting ![]() when i saw this, I BURST OUT LAUGHING first time an outfit can make me laugh out loud literally then she said shirlyn - says: haaha shirlyn - says: it looks like a left over cloth shirlyn - says: aahaha shirlyn - says: then like bo bian shirlyn - says: cannot waste shirlyn - says: so make it into a jumper haha super funny alrights off i go to do slides! Saturday, January 3, 2009
ahh the first weekend of the yearjust another weekend stuck at home with loads to do but i just dun wanna do it for me, it's cardiopulmonary assigment which i've started a little but have got no mood to finish by 12th jan when we all hand up our 1000 words, we'll be all pros at asthma and respiratory distress syndrome in kids and speaking of kids, I got posted to KK for my next attachment!! yea, i've finally got what i wanted and i'm so excited! but before this, I've got theory papers to get over and after attachment, *POOF we'll all be in final year i can't wait for school to be over and then we'll start travelling round the world joyce mentioned briefly about gg to australia in april! I've been thinking about it the whole morning. Its a great motivation for saving before something else catches my eye. Im looking forward to it joyce! book soon alright anyways,I was telling vinc that im craving for meatballs just now but he said that his pocket has got a huge hole and told me to stay home and eat instead haha. then he went off to sleep leaving me with no choice but instant campbell soup for lunch as no one's home to cook for me its 540pm now and still no additions to my assignment everything's gonna be ok at the end, i know it |