3/8 physiotherapist
loves God,
am anti-horror/ thriller,
believes in HAPPY FOOD
and happypeopleco.
the sweet life
JAC 060988 3/8 physiotherapist loves God, am anti-horror/ thriller, believes in HAPPY FOOD and happypeopleco. .
tag me!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
today+yuxian (aka shirlyn)+ cupcakes!stayed at home once again to recover from the nasty virus and i'm feeling much much better right now. the doctor said that if I had plenty of rest, getting well by friday won't be a problem YIPPEE! :D so at 2.15pm when i was feeling the effects of the cough syrup which makes me sleep and gives me this floating feeling (HIGH), yuxian decides to pon school yet again to come over to bake cupcakes! went to get simple ingredients ard the neighbourhood as we were too lazy to go too far and yuxian is so auntie pls. she said the icing sugar at the ma ma shop is 10 cents cheaper than the other one. HAHAHA don't kill me we used the basic vanilla cupcake recipe from cupcakerecipes.com and got the icing from some other site. It looks so pretty by the way, pink frosting and all. Jiamin wld love this :) alright, i'm feeling floaty now, so let the photos take over just by looking at them, I feel happy already :D and i'm happier that the frosting can harden after putting them in the fridge 'here's proof that we made them i look sickly and sleepy. yawn mok u're right, I'm feeling super domestic now haha. bai. Sunday, September 28, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARYN! yup, U're in the big 2 club, no doubt about it haha Cheers to another year of me =D, school, happypeopleco and partying You've got to stop shopping now as it's officially ONE YEAR to chanel 2.55 we'll be shopping buds for life :)
sigh. It's the 29th already meaning school starts in 2 weeks. gosh why does good times have to fly by so quickly, I haven't mastered skating yet and I haven't started on wakeboarding. by the time i get back from thailand, it'll be the 6th and then KL from 7-9th oct and then we're back to studying for now, I just have to think of getting well before friday. I have to. no more cancelled trips this year Wednesday, September 17, 2008
yday i felt like a housewife I sewed a American Apparel lookalike top and I baked a toberlone cheesecake with my sis! i'm super excited at how both turned out No photos of the top though, might be wearing it out ltr :) but here's the cake my Toberlone Chocolate Cheesecake the crumb-like stuff at the base is the crust! and for now, it looks nice, taste-wise not sure yet cos got to wait fpr mummy to come home then can cut off to watch boys over flowers! :) Monday, September 15, 2008
It has been a extremely happy morning thus far
I set my alarm at 8.30am, sat up then decided to go back to sleep and i dreamt about the exam results till 10am where I finally got up to face reality AND...... I PASSED EVERYTHING! :) *screams a big YES! i really should reward myself for pulling my GPA up by 0.2 I've got 5 items I want from Forever21, vincent u should reward me too! hahaha and after recovering from the initial HIGH I opened my email, and saw this my 50 bucks summon has been waived!!!! double YES!!! now i can finally enjoy the holidays! BATAM trip in planning! joyce u can go?? Sunday, September 14, 2008
after an odd day at church, i went for tuition and now i'm back home listening to renditions of I'm Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillatcouples and a guitar is this like the IT couple song now?? if it is, VINCENT LI go and learn the guitar nowww so we can sing too!! haha i realised i haven't blogged about my birthday and it's a long wait for photobucket to upload 25 photos out of the pile of extremely natural candid shots taken by joce's DSR so here goes i love the jack-in-the-box they made me :) i'm touched really,u guys cld have done anything else, but u chose to make time to make me this :) i love you! michael phelps is because I was gushing about him during the olympics and they just have to add the word GLUTTONY in. That was really APT guys hahaha ![]() ![]() I took the wheel for the first time that day and I was super scared the night before cos first time out on road already driving my friends..the responsibility's great ok ![]() picked them up from singpost then drove to botanic gardens for our picnic! I don't rmb even going to botanic gardens before it had been raining non-stop for the past few days but on that day the weather was purrrfect ![]() ![]() our favourite game now, taboo! got to know each other MUCH MUCH better after the game like we now know what white stuff does susu put in her mouth ;) ![]() ![]() my cake from cedele! :) it's extremely YUMMY! my cake for last yr's bday is also from cedele! The 2 large candles confirms my denial that I'm in the BIG TWO club. Peigin and Joyce also included that reminder in their birthday messages haha ![]() ![]() ![]() pals. ![]() jiamin the hotpinkshorts babe,glowing in the sun ![]() after picnic, we went to dempseys for B&J's where joce caused tricia to flout the rules by driving in the wrong direction the Siamese drummers says, "we're the up and coming" . ![]() i still can't believe we sat together during orientation ![]() SU wants to be a MERMAID ![]() we tried the mahshimin's face but it went terribly wrong. Just look at the 3 of us in front pls. ![]() we went up to perform with jiamin&i as singers, caryn at the keyboard and trish doing her thang with the firewood ![]() qing had a solo keyboard performance ![]() ![]() ![]() after dempseys, the rest went home from city hall and it was dinner with vincboy :) He wanted to bring me to someplace via the CTE(AYE) but I couldn't find where is it so we settled for Manhattan's fish market he gave me this locket with our photos inside and a bottle full of stars and light-sticks to make it glow no wonder the silly boy kept saying he needed to buy something every single night before my birthday. it's funny how we quarreled over parking, directions and $1.26 cashcard value and then later, a 50 bucks parking summon so it all sums up 5th and 6th sept with friends and boyfriend such as these, wad else can anyone ask for at the age of twenty? haha. a classic noel sky of cos Friday, September 12, 2008
the hols aren't exciting in any way so farit turned out to be exactly the opposite to wad everyone had planned it was supposed to be a blast, i even told vincent to be prepared for havoc-ness but in the end, not only did i not go clubbing more than once, bali, phuket and bangkok got cancelled and i have to go back to school for the CPR course. grr. wad a disappointment finally met up with xian last night with su at starbucks and one thing she said struck me she told me that i should try new stuff to make my life more colourful, but why is it always tiring to try new stuff? like the getting down to it is already tiring today's cpr exam is all God's grace that i made it through smoothly, it wasn't how i expected it to be and I'm really glad it's all over and my whole class passed! all for one and one for all man batam planning is on the way guys! we have to go somewhere! and dearest jm, i really hope that u can come :) after going for lunch, i took a train all the way to far-far-away yew tee to hang out at joce's place and we baked cookies and made jelly! then watched this french movie about choir boys and there's this boy who sings really really well. I now understand how singing can actually make a person cry just by listening.. his voice touches the heart but i've got no idea wad's the title of the movie alright i gtg, my astig's getting worse by the minute how is it that i feel this way Wednesday, September 3, 2008
after slacking at home for 2 days straight, today i went to renci to celebrate Mr bakar's birthday! We made an agreement to celebrate our birthdays together since it's just a day apart suhui and shuling made us a brownie cake which is so sweet of them :) thanks u two for the time and effort! ![]() ![]() ![]() He's really happy that we didn't forget our promise ![]() ![]() us making a wish, i look more like i'm praying don't i? Please, let me pass my semestral exams and pull my GPA up pleasseee the people at renci always makes me happy whenever i visit. That's cos they always seem happy that we're there to visit them and they really appreciate that u took time to go and say hello to them and just chat for awhile it's nice to feel appreciated sometimes Tuesday, September 2, 2008
so here i am, munching on cedele's carrot cake and feeling less horrible about my holiday in thailand than i did last night1 lesson i've learnt is to stay away from airasia, stay far far away because they have a crappy policy that only protects themselves and there's not a care at all about the customer's interests Nobody knows anything for sure about what's gonna happen in thailand all people can do is to try to cancel it for fear of anything's that's going to happen but airasia's policy is NO REFUND (at all even if they themselves cancel the flight) and they only offer a postpone if I were to cancel the flight fair enough, I try postponing to October and they asked me to top up another 300 plus dollars for what i assume is that for budget, different day different price my mom thinks that's ridiculous cos the riot has nothing to do with us anyway so why shud we be forced to postpone and then get penalised by paying 300 bucks? if they were to cancel the flight cos of airport closure etc, we still can't get a refund but only get our money put into their "account system" which allows u to use it to claim other flights but the money is allowed in there till a certain period of time to claim i tried to cancel my singapore to phuket then phuket to bangkok flight and replace it with direct flight to bangkok, it's not allowed I tried to change destination, it's not allowed I called airasia thrice this morning and for each time I called, I'm put on hold with the annoying music for 30 mins. Twice the person pick up and i had to keep shouting "hello hello HELLO?" cos the person could not hear me and said I was cracking. The 3rd time, finally I got through after an entire morning of calling U can't speak to the manager cos apparently there's NO manager around to talk to in singapore. To speak with the manager, the person ask me to call MALAYSIA directly. Insanity or what? Pay overseas charges while being put on hold for 30 mins? oh yea, even if u wanted to change destination if they miraculously offer u a change, airasia only fly to Kuala Lumpur, Pekanbaru (first time i've ever heard of this place), Bangkok and Phuket. aren't they amazing? Amazingly full of crap so this is how they earn money huh? by having such a dumb policy where as long as money is with them, there's no way out unless u just forgo the money which is exactly what I intend to do there is a difference in service attitude between established airlines and budget airline. Silkair gave my mom and sis a full refund with no questions asked cos they understand the situation and were prepared to make losses for unforseen circumstances even for jetstar asia, they offered hotel rooms to tourists stranded cos of the phuket airport closure. When asked what could airasia offer since they insist on flying? Nothing. not even a bus to bring tourists to bangkok for a flight back they whole day only thinking of not losing money only fly with them if u guarantee that nothing will happen |