3/8 physiotherapist
loves God,
am anti-horror/ thriller,
believes in HAPPY FOOD
and happypeopleco.
the sweet life
JAC 060988 3/8 physiotherapist loves God, am anti-horror/ thriller, believes in HAPPY FOOD and happypeopleco. .
tag me!
Monday, January 28, 2008
i chanced upon thisand hope it'll momentarily take away the stress from my fellow pt mates One day, Char Siew Pau and Maggi mee had a big fight. Maggi mee beat Char Siew Pau up until it had bruises on its pau body. Char Siew Pau lost in the fight and went back to tell all the paus family; kaya pau, tau sa pau, curry pau, and etc. So together?.. all paus went to find maggi mee for revenge. On the way... they met Spaghetti?... so all the paus ran to Spaghetti and beat the hell up on Spaghetti that Spaghetti can't say a word,Spaghetti then screamed... "WHAT DID I DO? I don't even know you all"???. Then Char Siew Pau say??.. "HEH! MAGGI MEE! Don't think I can't recognize you after you do REBONDING!" LOL. i burst out laughing =D ok fine. caryn just said she heard this one before so here's one more! To impress his date, the young man took her to a very chic Italian restaurant. After sipping some fine wine, he picked up the menu and ordered. "We'll have the Giuseppe Spomdalucci," he said. "Sorry, sir," said the waiter. "That's the owner." and the question u shudn't ask sam GIRL : Did you miss me while I was away?? BOY : Were you away?? haha. back to ORIF Thursday, January 24, 2008
oh my g***. ferragamo's varina is simple g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s. nv have i seen a shoe in urban that made me go wow. ok except for those shoes with the RED sole but this, it just screams"U got to have it jac, BUY ME". yes i will buy u darling. just give me some time, i'll get the moolahs in a hundreddd years no no tt's exaggeration. if i save like all my pay every month, i can get them in wha-la less than 3 months! tt means no shopping at all for 3 months. tt's achievable ain't it? now i've got caryn falling in love with those shoes too haha. we shall eat grass for 3 months and wear those shoes everyday as if tt's a school shoe hahaha i can just imagine mummy screaming at me after i happily skip home with my varina's. then i'll calmly tell her it's fake. haha. yea right like she'll buy my crap. but then again what does she know anyway? she threw away her beautiful light brown coloured ferragamo's last yr. at tt point, i was the one who wanted to scream ok this is beginning to sound like a bimbo entry moving on, oh wait! it's past midnight! so happy 3rd monthsary darling! there's only one word to describe what u've been and what u've done for me A-M-A-Z-I-N-G u're exactly how i imagined a boyfriend to be i love you, my chocolateman cus only u will do this with me =))) Wednesday, January 23, 2008
tmr's yet another anatomy practical and yes, i'm doing something guilty by being online and blogging.should i say i had enough and throw in the towel? i know i've said it again and again. umpteen times. annoying the hell out of my classmates (i presume), but i really dunno if i shud go on. i can envision qing singing 'should i stay or should i go'. i've been through this so many times, running it over and over again in my head but still judging from circumstances, the answer is pretty much a GO u noe wad? now, checking results is much easier. just have to scroll down the class list, look for the lowest score (for eg. my striking F for physiology prac) and there it is! my admission no. i've done this for the past 4 prac/tests we had out of 5 this sem so i've developed a certain immunity towards such results. i'm not affected at all. su says no, i shouldn't be immune. i shud use it as a motivation. i know tt's wad i'm supposed to do thanks darling but in my current state, tt's near impossible to make matters worse, i've gotten the flu and an elevated body temperature i shall move on to what i did last saturday i finally got to go out with xian since the last time i saw her at her guzheng concert and we went to have ice-cream! the babe who cldn't keep her eyes on the road us having our superduper good hershey's chocolate mixed with oreo's! then she brought me to a place where i wld classify under ULU to eat dried ban mian taken while waiting for the fooddddddd we went home and then went out to watch 27 dresses! it was awesome =) it was not the usual chick flick kind of story but u roughly know who will end up with who so it's just watching the HOW they get together at the end. which is sweettt i'll give it 4 popcorns and him, unlimited popcorns! haha see i told u i was immune or is it like what we learnt in psychology - defence mechanisms which are repression and denial i just forgot the action of the platysma Wednesday, January 9, 2008
stayed over at caryn's last night and it was fun!got totally drenched on the way to her place as it was raining like there's no tomorrow but i enjoyed the feeling of running in the rain, stepping on huge puddles which made my jeans wet and fighting for the umbrella with vinc who found my enjoyment abit warped as it was flooding, we had to cab down to her place and vinc's extremely sweet. i felt like some lead in a korean drama wahaha then we got to her place and i assume vinc the pro in taxi surcharges at what-nots cabbed home while me and caryn watched tv. i was planning to study the next day so i brought all my anat and physio books. but guess what we did the moment we woke up? we played diner dash!!! oh man i really suck at games. seriously. i only can clear the 1st few levels then it was on to caryn to finish the rest. total we spent almost 10 hours playing it until i had to leave. i'm never gg to spend so long on the com again. it makes me giddy. thanks bud bud for letting me stay over and let me see the side of u which no one has ever seen before hahahaha. no more diner dash for a long long time alrites. i'm gg to study now! like jiamin, i shall believe in self-prophesy jac's a genius, jac's super smart Tuesday, January 8, 2008
my psp is backand now i'm hooked on bomberman and diner dash! oh no if i don't exercise self-control it's byebye to physiology prac Sunday, January 6, 2008
something amusing happened to me todayin the shuttle bus going to parkway, this china guy asked me for directions to walk from parkway to ecp in my limited mandarin obviously i cldn't possibly direct him so i replied wo bu zhi dao then next he asked me if i'm from china (zhong guo ren).. then i said i wasn't and then he said that us singaporeans speak perfect chinese such that he mistook me for someone from china i seriously wanted to burst out laughing hey pple, my mandarin is biao zun ok lol anyways i'm so glad that vinc came to church today! even though it means me sitting through 2 services and halfway falling asleep in the ending part of the 1st svc but it's ok cus i'm oh-so-happy =) apollo char kway teow was a reward haha off to set my priorities right Saturday, January 5, 2008
today i finally met mokmok after so long!!!went ard town to get stuff for her 1 yr anniversary gift and also collect my psp and send my hp for repair. yay i finally got my psp back!! and tmr i'll be able to get my hp =) mok your hot pink book totally rocks la. it looks damn cool. dun worry bout filling in the days la haha let's go out more often k? i had fun =) Thursday, January 3, 2008
here's how i started my new yri woke up and my lessthan1monthold w910i blackout-ed twice and then decide that it will no longer send smses out by flashing the words "operation failed" my psp is still at sony wisma, awaiting repair and my com had a virus-attack and had to be repaired and mummy's not paying for mike to backup all my files seriously wad a way to start my new yr Thank God my com's fixed now and thanks to jean, mike tranferred our files for free according to him, she looked so sad when he said all the files will be gone those puppy-dog eyes must have worked eh? haha and now to recap the past week last saturday susu invited the class to lunch at her place and there was where kids took centrestage joan, jerome and justin ![]() just look at the innocence.it's an illusion! they attacked me with the yellow ball justin is holding and plotted how to kill me after i had lunch. grr. too bad i cldn't bear to throw the ball at them or else, i obviously, will come out victorious then comes jerome the extremely gentle boy with a knack for sony ericsson hps totally unlike justin (the terror haha) ![]() and here's jeff who cries more then he smiles i'm sure i was like him when i was a baby cus my mum said i was a crybaby thanks susu for the nice lunch and the present! =)) we love Godiva dark chocolates! ltr that night was brewerkz with aaron, kwee and jeremy ![]() and i finally had my turkish ice-cream jeremy and kwee was trying to psycho me and aaron to go on the new xtreme swing but they cldn't cus i'm damn scared of heights =x smash 2007 was not too bad going for it made me recall how me and sumei wld want to avoid smash last time cus of the games and also the greek goddess dress theme we did last smash and now we chose to go for smash cus it wld be more happening than watchnight they were supposed to be my bouncers wahaha after smash we stayed over at duane's place and spongebob on xbox was fun! me and lam were hopeless in the other car racing game, sending our gallardo ramming into poles, shops and mountains duane's bro is so nice that he gave up his room and bed for us girls to sleep on and duane had to sleep on a sofa downstairs i think his whole family are uber nice pple thanks alot! =) on new yr's day, mummy woke me up at 9 to get me home to prepare for lunch with her and vincent. so i had to drag myself home after barely 3 hrs of sleep and then she said lunch change to dinner instead.. grrr... so me and vinc went cycling at ecp!! my bike was hot pink ! then we had dinner and the mouse there was so cute! a pity they dun sell it though alrites i'm off contemplating to go school or not i sense awkwardness between us. is there something wrong cus we just dun seem that close anymore |