3/8 physiotherapist
loves God,
am anti-horror/ thriller,
believes in HAPPY FOOD
and happypeopleco.
the sweet life
JAC 060988 3/8 physiotherapist loves God, am anti-horror/ thriller, believes in HAPPY FOOD and happypeopleco. .
tag me!
Monday, September 24, 2007
uploading the taiwan photos are taking so long!! no wonder i took this long to finally get to updating after rotting away the past few days. someone pls hire me for 3 weeks! i need to replenish my finances! to plan for a next trip! hahaha. tt day caryn was just saying tt no one wld want to go Japan with her. i was thinking about that and i seriously don't mind going to Japan! i mean like no matter wad in my whole life i think i should at least go there once all i think i have to do is just eat less and save! but when i brought it up to mom, it was a prompt answer that burst all my bubbles - NO. she thinks i'm mad now i miss taiwan like so much and jes said that i'm currently suffering from withdrawal symptoms and i should lay off shopping for awhile when i told her i just bought a top from flea at substation. sighh. shoppping is no longer fun over here man, i sound like an airhead u noe wad even if i dun get a job this 3 weeks, i'm going to enrich myself. read loads of books, use my sewing machine, learn some cooking, learn some basic marketing skills and do up su's and my small online business there, my 3 weeks do have a purpose afterall i can't wait for movie marathon with pt02 this friday!! though i'm really confused as to where and wad time. just no horror flicks pls! i have a weak heart and a highly imaginative mind. mok! let's meet up soon! i'm free now till 15th oct. i wanna pass u ur bag!! =) sumei: when are we doing our photo shoot?? mini carcar: good luck for ur interview on thurs! find out more about PEGs out there and basic functions can le. appear like u're a electronic expert and finally photos are up! not too many considering we had about 400 shots tt's the thing about 2 persons going overseas tgt. it's either i take u, u take me, we attempt to take us tgt with our heads enlarged or if we're lucky some kind soul will take a shot for us speaking about taiwan, i regretted not buying the black heels from shih lin and a skinny tie from their flea!! arghh. i want a striped one but i can't seem to find them now. bleah tt's all for now! =) Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I'M BACKKKKKK!my gosh i definitely didn't expect us to literally shop till we drop during our 6 days there. but knowing me, it seems that no one is surprised that i left Singapore with 1 luggage and came back with 4. hmm. i was quite surprised at myself actually. it's funny how we would have trouble walking through the hotel doors at the end of every single night cus of all the many bags we were carrying, how we cld shop ANYWHERE even at the underground mall at taipei main station, how we would laugh throughout the day and end up with a heavy heart as we reflect on how much we spent, how we'll quarrel almost every morning about going for buffet breakfast, how we clutched a small umbrella and braved the very heavy rain to do last min shopping at shihlin, how we became pro at taking the mrt(jie yun) there and did 2 good deeds, how atrocious our spoken chinese is, how we looked when we emerged through the hotel lift carrrying 6 bags each and all the other nonsensical things we did all these amaze me. you can't imagine how much we missed home on the last day we were at taipei. the typhoon news just added to our fears of our flight being cancelled and thank God, we made it back safely today =) God was with us throughout the entire trip even through the drama we went through over there and He knows i got to learn things in life the hard way. words can't describe the experience of a lifetime. God is truly Good! waiting for su to send me the pictures during the trip! hrd there's about 300+ shots =O here's 1 for now now we're back, we're missin' shihlin dear sumei, thanks for not leaving me behind and not blaming me for anything. much love. to show how grateful i am, i'll sing more of the song 'umbrella' to you k? =D Tuesday, September 11, 2007
![]() i'm going to TAIPEI tmr!! i'm so so so excited yet my luggage isn't packed yet. to everyone, u will be missed!! (given the fact that i'll only be seeing sumei for 6x24 hours in a foreign land wahaha) and i hope i'll be missed as well!!! =) do pray for me and su when we're there cus thinking that it's only me and her is getting me a little scared but still God is GOOD so i know he'll be with us too! but still do pray dear pt pple, hope we'll meet up again when i get back! i'm thinking of a class outing on mooncake festival where we can all go bunk in at susu's house, watch all the chick flicks and horror flicks we want, eat loads of mooncakes and chinese tea while gazing at the round moon and play with candles and firecrackers! look at how detailed my plan is but i haven't talked to anyone about this esp susu haha. susu pls read this when i'm in taipei! my sunburnt's really bad. it's so itchy that i feel like a monkey now =( do u think being tan will up my sporty image? wahaha. maybe i'll be like mahshimin then people will start asking me what sports i play and will no longer guess that i play the ping pong.. maybe they'll ask me if i play rugby hahaha still, i'm consoled cus there's snowskin in class who's a joke like me ;) i really got to pack my bag soon before my mum screams at me but still i have to end off with this ![]() nakatsu's mine. haha bye! i'll be back on the 17th at 1340 hrs =) Monday, September 10, 2007
past 2 weeks have been awesome! prepare yourself for a never-ending entryclinicals was unexpectedly FUN, got to hang out with my besties at canale, got to have dinner with s21 at vivo and just got back from chalet at sentosa! plus one more forbidden place which only a selected few know about ;) i think our clinicals at ttsh couldn't be at a better timing. we got to spent PT day and be in a captain ball competition with the rest of the PTs against other depts. in our case, we were against operating theatre, ED and the prosthetics. sure wish i cld have photos of my sportiness here but it's not available yet so here's the rest for now the whole orthopedic team ![]() us with our cool clinicians ![]() and with the first clinicians we tagged along with ![]() i wanna go back to ttsh for clinicals again..=( oh wells there's always ktv coming up with ringo and his cantopop gang to look forward to =) btw TEAM PHYSIO u rock!! congrats on 2nd place! and PHYSIO HURRICANE, it was great playing with u guys! pt class chalet at sentosa! the 3 of us was left to entertain ourselves waiting for the rest to come ![]() ![]() i got caryn to do the "maricar" pose with me she's beginning to take over the throne of being the class joke ![]() photos of us in that forbidden place are with the rest and last time i heard, the photos and VIDEO was so tabloid worthy that they are planning to use it to blackmail me and caryn haha. 2nd day was spent at siloso playing beach volleyball, frisbee and teaching caryn how to cycle.. she managed to learn in like 1 hour!! when it was time for bbq, all of us were already sticky and sweatyy. the bbq wasn't like the others i've been before. this one had us displaying our inner gymnast, us fighting off dementia with mahjong, us building up our intellect with bridge and yum seng-ing to heneikken.. there was even crayfish too! seriously it's great fun! i think no chalet is complete without TWISTER! where it's impossible for anyone to look G-L-A-M ![]() the class surprised me by bringing out a cake and singing happy birthday while i was tricked by cerise into poking satay sticks into cuttlefish balls haha a big thank you to my dearest classmates! =) though i must have looked extremely ridiculous when i was clapping and singing along wondering who u guys were singing to =) to joce: the cake from cedele is super yummy! thanks for bringing it all the way to sentosa :) to qing and yen: thanks for going all the way back to vivo to get my present! i'm gg to wear it to taipei wahaha to the rest of the class: one word sums all i have to say, i LOVE u all! =) it was a pleasant surprise i wish chalet wldn't end so fast though i'm sure everyone inc me was already missing their bed and i got terribly sunburnt with 3 different tan lines on me- 2 verticals lines from my spaghett top, 2 diagonal lines from my bikini and the most hated - one vertical PATCH on my back cus of my low ponytail.. all the pain is so not worth it, i think i wanna grow an aloe vera plant on my shoulders and back i'm so glad i met mokmok, andrew, ching, shan, amanda, paul, mark, daryl, longhui and ryan for dinner during the weekend as well!! haven't see some of them for so long!! mok i miss u alr haha. dun worry i'll find u a black bag =) ![]() the girls in matching bright colours, my grey dress looked so unique that it was out of place ![]() i have an entire folder of the photos of the two of you in my com and mok's always on the right side haha ![]() s21 peeps: thanks for coming! miss you loads! mok: thanks for organising the outing!! see u soon!! =) lovelove sighh if only every week was like the past 2 weeks. i would then have no complains about life anymore. alrites!!! i'm the happy happy girl and i've got an itinery to plan! off i go! Saturday, September 1, 2007
hello!2 weeks of clinical at ttsh. gosh it's harder than i imagined. the past week have been the ultimate test of my strength and fitness. honestly i wld give myself a 4/10. my muscles are pretty under-used so it explains my extra efforts in pushing a tilt-table and carrying a reebok step.. i so wun admit i'm weak although my pal mahshimin who's with me for clinicals, never fail to remind me that i'm a joke. ttsh is quite a cool place i must say. i didn't know they kept the old ttsh as the communicable disease centre and walking through it gives me a nostalgic feeling..i've always had a thing for such stuff.. like i spent almost an hr at the heritage centre at ttsh (they even have a heritage centre =0) looking at the old equipment they used last time. at the start of clinicals, i promised myself that i'll be very very serious about this but i guess the playful self is beginning to surface bit by bit.. i really have to control myself before i get comments about unprofessionalism which me and mash recently got for having the habit of laughing by ourselves. talking about prefessionalism, my mom said that once i'm in uniform, i'm professional. i think it's more of i have to be professional. when facing secretions and amputations, i've always imagined it to be quite disturbing but when i see all these now, i dun really see it in that way anymore.. i really wld like to go on about the many cases we saw but soon no one wld know wad i'm talking about. medicine i think is a language of its own. and abbreviations they use makes it even worse right now i'm just praying for fantastic time-management. there's so much i got to do in this week: 1. draft of presentation to the physio dept must be in on monday 2. captain's ball training on monday after work 3. captain's ball competition with fellow pts in ttsh on tues 4. PT day on wed 5. queue up for donuts and do up cards for pt dept on thurs 6. individual presentation to nyp on friday and finally dinner with mok and andrew!! =) 7. plan for upcoming class chalet 8. plan for taipei! i wanna bury my head in the sand and hide from all these. |